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Belief in yourself is an immensely powerful tool to have in your manifesting arsenal. Believe in your talents, your strengths. Believe in your dreams and your ability to someday realize those dreams. Believe and have faith that the universe, God, source energy, your higher self, what have you, will guide you every step of the way, because it will. It always has been guiding you.

This guidance may come to you in the form of a word or phrase on a billboard or in a commercial, or a song on the radio, or through a stranger you met on the street. It may come in the form of a gut feeling or a moment of inspiration. Pay attention to what attracts your attention, what inspires you and lights you up. These are the messages you need to listen to. Keep an open mind and an open heart, and you will find that doors will open for you where there were once only walls.

4 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy

Every so often, The Philosopher’s Guide team comes across a great article or helpful post that we just have to share with you. This is a member email from Natalie Ledwell of Mind Movies and The Inspiration Show. Natalie sends her members helpful tips, tricks and valuable information about self-help and personal growth techniques, spirituality and using the power of your mind to get the results you want. You can sign up for her newsletter simply by going to and entering your information.


– The Philosopher’s Guide

4 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy

Most people have it wrong.

Most folks think that by gathering more stuff, they’ll finally find happiness.

But often, you can find true happiness RIGHT NOW, in this moment, simply by letting go.

Here are 4 things that you can let go of that will make you a happier, more peaceful person by the time you hit the sack tonight:

1) Let go of the need to impress others.

If you’re a human being, chances are you care about what other people think of you.

After all – we are naturally social creatures!

But if you find yourself spending too much of your time, money or energy trying to impress other people and get their approval, you’re not being true to YOU.

There’s no need to try and be something you’re not, because who you are right now is FABULOUS!

Focus instead on living the most authentic version of yourself.

When you fully embrace who you are and share it with others, you’ll find that people will appreciate how REAL you are and will flock to you effortlessly. 🙂

2) Let go of the need to be right.

Sometimes when we feel we’ve been mistreated or misunderstood by someone, we can get caught up into wanting that person to admit they’ve wronged us.

And we want an apology!

Or at least acknowledgment that we are right and they’re wrong. 🙂

The problem is that not all human beings see things from the same perspective. In your world, you’re right… but in their world, so are they.

There are definitely times where an apology is necessary.

But most other times, rather than allowing feelings of negativity to take root inside you and start spilling over into other areas of your life, it may be best to ask yourself this:

“Do I want to be right? Or do I want to be happy?”

Often it’s just our ego that keeps us holding on to past resentments and upsets. Instead, consider letting go of the desire to be right and you’ll find you’ll instantly restore happiness and contentment in your life.

3) Let go of the desire to gossip.

I’ve heard it said that gossip is just a cheap way to make yourself feel good, and I have to agree.

We all know that gossiping about other people is… well, not so good.

But when the people around you are doing it, it can be easy to slip into doing it too!

Consider though that the quality of your life depends on the quality of the conversations you have.

If you want to live a more fulfilling life, start by embracing the power of your word. Your voice is powerful! And what you have to say makes a difference.

Be committed to having more positive conversations about things that matter… not people… and you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll brighten your outlook on life.

4) Let go of the past.

It’s easy to dwell on the past, especially when the future is so unknown!

Looking to the past can feel safe… we know what has happened and we know what we could do to change things… if only we had the chance.

The truth is though that you never will have the chance to change the past.

Not unless scientists finally invent a time machine. 😉

Your past has served its purpose – its brought you to the place you are today and made you the person you are now. And who you are right now is absolutely perfect.

Be grateful for your experiences, but know that NOW is all you have. So do your best to enjoy each moment. Give yourself the gift of being present!

Numerology: Your Name is No Accident

Did you know that your name and birthday actually affect your personality, strengths, talents, spiritual needs, and obstacles you will face in your lifetime?

It’s true, your name has esoteric significance.

Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers, and is an illuminating tool that can help you realize aspects of yourself and others that you may not have seen otherwise. Using numbers, you can see the big picture – the way different parts of your personality fit together to make you who you are. Whether you use it to get a little insight on what your next step should be, confirmation of your talents and current life situation, or just for fun, numerology will provide you with a fresh new perspective of yourself, and help you make the most of your resources.

Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher and mathematician, is credited as the Father of Numerology. The Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks, Chinese, Japanese, Phoenicians, early Christians, Mayans, and Incas, all used some form of numerology to acquire a deeper understanding of humanity and the universe. The Pythagorean System is the most used system of numerology today.

8 Ways to Bring More Good into Your Life

1. Focus only on the positive, ignore the negative.

We all know the importance of positive thinking. When we think positive thoughts, our worlds look a little brighter. Unfortunately, more negative messages surround us than positive. The media, the critics and naysayers are all around us – you know, the glass-half-empty type. Surround yourself with positive people and messages, and ignore the negative. It does not serve you.

2. Clean up your space.

A clean space equals a clear mind. Seriously. When there’s clutter around the house, it blocks the energy flow and therefore leads to a foggy mind. The state of cleanliness your house is in directly reflects what’s going on in your mind. This is the outer level of you, after all. A messy house equals a messy mind.

3. Write down 5 things you’re grateful for every day.

The importance of this cannot be underestimated. Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more good into your life. When you’re feeling grateful, you’re putting out a strong, positive vibration which will attract to you more things to be grateful for. Do this before you go to bed each night – when you’re asleep, your brain is still operating on the last frequency you were on before you fell asleep, so your subconscious mind will be continually sending out that signal of gratitude through the night, and attracting more good into your life as you dream. Why not make the last thing you think about at night a positive one?

4. Write down your goals and aspirations. 

When you write down your goals and aspirations, you’re actively thinking about and visualizing them, which gets the ball rolling in the right direction. Plus, having a clear idea about what you want in life is the first step to successful manifestation. You can get creative with this too – scrapbooking, making a vision board, or literally any other way you can think of to express your goals works – and, if you’re having fun with it, this attaches a positive vibration to what it is that you’re wanting.

5. Focus on making daily progress toward your goals.

This is extremely powerful. Figure out what you can do today to get yourself one step closer to your goals. Write that resume, send that email, write a chapter of that book – whatever it may be, just do it! Once the ball is rolling, you’re unstoppable.

6. Say something nice when you get angry, instead of lashing out. 

Life is 10% what happens, and 90% how you react to it. If you say something nice instead of getting angry, you’re moving yourself off of a negative vibration and onto a positive one. This does not mean repress your anger. When you take that moment to say something nice instead of react, you’re giving yourself a moment to stop and think, to put things in perspective – we all say things we wish we hadn’t. Was the way you were going to react initially going to be beneficial, or detrimental? This gives you a moment to make that choice for yourself, and maybe rephrase what you were going to say.

7. Devote a specific amount of time each day to meditation, exercise, or therapy. 

Maybe you’ll want to do all three. Maybe exercise works better for you than sifting through your feelings. Maybe you’re not the pensive type. Do whichever of these works best for you. Consider this the time every day that you take out to give back to your body, mind and spirit.

8. Take time out of your day to give back to yourself. 

Do one of your hobbies, read a book, listen to some music – take some time to do whatever you want to do because you want to do it. Do nothing if you want to! Never underestimate the benefits of relaxing and doing absolutely nothing. Sometimes, it’s the best thing for the soul. Remember, this is “you time” so do what you want to do with it!

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Call to Artists! Express Yourself.

Everyone is creative. That much is true. But a lot of would-be artists lack the confidence to truly express themselves through art. Self-expression is therapeutic and opens doors to parts of your soul that you may not have known existed. Too many artists get hung up on the message, or what they’re trying to say with their piece. The famous question of “what IS it?” hangs in the back of the mind, an ever-lingering doubt that the art one is making is not worthwhile. Well we are here to tell you:

It’s true. Creation for creation’s sake is art in and of itself. The mere fact that you are taking something from your mind and putting it on paper (or literally, any other medium) makes it art. Creating is your nature, why deny yourself that joy because of doubts and fears of it not meaning anything? Just express yourself!

The Philosopher’s Guide invites all of you to express yourself. Make something that is purely an expression of you, your thoughts or emotions. It doesn’t have to BE anything. Send a .jpg of your self-expression art to with your name or username for a chance to have your work featured on the site.

And remember, just have fun with it.

Happy creating!


Set Yourself Free With The Energy Mantra

You’ve all heard the saying, “old habits die hard.” The reason for this is because it’s not our conscious mind that holds our habits – it’s our subconscious mind. That’s why just thinking positive thoughts doesn’t always make much of a difference – if your subconscious is yelling “NO!” then no amount of conscious thought will free you of that old habit.

However, there is something more you can do to aid in the releasing of these old habits, called “the Energy Mantra.” Use this technique to release those bad habits for good.

Read more about it here.

The Power of Self-Healing: Unlock Your Natural Healing Potential in 21 Days! by Fabrizio Mancini

Life’s Healing Choices: Freedom from Your Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits by John Baker

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