Archive for the tag “expression”

Call to Artists! Express Yourself.

Everyone is creative. That much is true. But a lot of would-be artists lack the confidence to truly express themselves through art. Self-expression is therapeutic and opens doors to parts of your soul that you may not have known existed. Too many artists get hung up on the message, or what they’re trying to say with their piece. The famous question of “what IS it?” hangs in the back of the mind, an ever-lingering doubt that the art one is making is not worthwhile. Well we are here to tell you:

It’s true. Creation for creation’s sake is art in and of itself. The mere fact that you are taking something from your mind and putting it on paper (or literally, any other medium) makes it art. Creating is your nature, why deny yourself that joy because of doubts and fears of it not meaning anything? Just express yourself!

The Philosopher’s Guide invites all of you to express yourself. Make something that is purely an expression of you, your thoughts or emotions. It doesn’t have to BE anything. Send a .jpg of your self-expression art to with your name or username for a chance to have your work featured on the site.

And remember, just have fun with it.

Happy creating!


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