Archive for the tag “peace”

Be at Peace; Breathe

When life gets you down and you’re feeling stressed, the absolute best thing you can do to free yourself and become at peace is to what?

Breathe. Take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Preferably fresh air, but it works either way. Let the air fill your lungs and exhale. Do this several times.

When we breathe, we thrive. Breathing in this way takes you back to your calm center, and it directs your focus back to the present moment. When we’re stressed, our breathing patterns become short and fast. This is constricting. Breathe deep and open yourself up to goodness.

Quote of the Day

Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.

– Robert Green Ingersoll

The Only Time is NOW (Right Now)

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