Archive for the tag “vision”

Dominant Thought

For those of you who are seasoned pioneers of the Law of Attraction/Law of Resonance/Law of Cause and Effect (whatever you want to call it), it has probably been a big part of your life to try to hold the vision of what you want in your mind and make that end result your dominant thought. It has also probably occurred to you that this is not always an easy thing to do.

Some people become afraid, upset, or discouraged at the mention of the idea that you need to monitor your thoughts. Humans have something like 60,000 thoughts a day. So the question many people have is, “How am I supposed to think only good thoughts when I have so many thoughts a day?” It can seem like hard work, even downright impossible.

The good thing is, “dominant thought” doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re thinking only good, positive thoughts. It just means that the majority of your thoughts are positive and in keeping with the vision you have for how you want your life to be, not how it is now. And what’s the majority?


That’s right. You only need 51% of your thoughts to be positive and visionary in order to manifest. That eliminates a degree of worry there. All you have to do is remember to think good thoughts as often as you can. Use those vision boards, the affirmations and other tools you have at your disposal. They help immensely in getting your mind on the right track.

Be deliberate in your thoughts, your intention, as much as possible. Know that a negative thought here and there is absolutely not going to derail you from your dream. Of course, having only positive thoughts is a good goal to have and can turn your life into something completely magical, but it is not a prerequisite to successful manifestation.

Happy manifesting!

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